Tuesday, November 25, 2008



Its such a mysterious thing. I just put a define:ego and whoa!! Such a long list ..



To my perception, this one fits the bill


The self, especially with overtones of self-importance; The most conscious part of the mind, which mediates with one's surroundings


The reason, as usual, is in my surroundings. Seeing a lot of things happen due to ego, Clients, Colleagues, Friends, relatives and even mine


For mine not to affect anyone else, I guess need a different level of self-consciousness, a check on self every moment, Am I doing/saying this for some reason or am I doing it only because it affects me?


Lets see how it goes…

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I found I have two followers!! I was so amused to have followers for a blog that is so infrequently updated..

Thanks Gullu and Purnima !! I already have you on Google Reader- So I get your updates when-it-happens..